Uranus Has Exploded!

Uranus Has Exploded!

Posted by Uranus Examiner Jr. Cub Reporter Allie Jones on Apr 5th 2019

Wow! We never expected this many eyes on Uranus! Luckily, we don’t blush easily.

The launch of our latest video has plastered Uranus all over the net, and people are still clamoring for more. Don’t worry, Uranus doesn’t tire easily. Whatever you’ve got, we’re willing to take. Our mission statement is to deliver on the grounds of fun and fudge, and Uranus won’t quit until we’ve left you with a satisfied smile on your face.

If, for some crazy reason, you don’t know what we’re talking about here, it’s this video. People are loving Uranus in a big way, thanks to our handsome and humble Mayor Louie, as well as the lovable cast of characters that work hard in Uranus.

Now that you’ve seen the video too, you might want to click on over to the General Store and see everything Uranus has to offer. Uranus isn’t full of hot air. From savory to sweet, we have the best variety of fudge this side of the Kuiper Belt. So what exactly are you waiting for? Come and get a taste of Uranus!

Continue to LIKE and SHARE our video. The farther Uranus spreads, the more fun and fudge you’re guaranteed to get!